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A stablecoin is a form of cryptocurrency thats value is fixed by pegging it to the price of another asset. Stablecoins can be pegged to various kinds of assets, for example USD Coin (USDC), Paxos (PAX), and TrueUSD (TUSD) are tokens backed on a 1:1 ratio by money held in bank accounts. To issue these cryptocurrencies, the companies need to place the equivalent amount of FIAT currency such as USD into bank accounts. By pegging to real-word assets in this case the US dollar, these coins avoid the price volatility of cryptocurrency trading markets. Some stablecoins are pegged to other cryptocurrencies, referred to as crypto-collateralized stablecoins. The peg of these coins is maintained through over-collateralization and stability mechanisms. A prominent example is DAI, the stablecoin minted in the Maker DAO ecosystem.

Store your stablecoins on Brokerage Gateway

A secure and easy to use wallet to store your stablecoins. Brokerage Gateway has Bank-Grade security standards, that safeguard your stablecoins from any potential threats. Live peacefully with Brokerage Gateway.

List of stablecoins you can use with

Pay with stablecoins

Brokerage Gateway provides you with an easy to use application to spend your stablecoins anywhere and on anything you want.

Shows DAI token screen in Brokerage Gateway

Privacy Matters

Brokerage Gateway will never access any of your personal information on your mobile device. Your data stays private.

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Why stablecoins?

Stablecoins are mostly used as a mechanism to hedge against the high volatility of cryptocurrency markets. Stablecoins provide many advantages when compared to traditional fiat currencies, they present faster transactions with lower fees - making them a better alternative for everyday payments.

Supported stablecoins

Brokerage Gateway supports Binance USD

Binance USD (BUSD)

Brokerage Gateway supports Dai

Dai (DAI)

Brokerage Gateway supports Tether

Tether (USDT)

Brokerage Gateway supports StableUSD

StableUSD (USDS)

Brokerage Gateway supports USD Coin


Brokerage Gateway supports Gemini

Gemini (GUSD)

Brokerage Gateway supports Paxos

Paxos (PAX)

Brokerage Gateway supports TRUE USD


Brokerage Gateway supports GBP Stable Coin

GBP Stable Coin (BGBP)

Brokerage Gateway supports Stasis

Stasis (EURS)